A capacitor (parallel plate) is being charged at a constant rate dθ/dt = b. If S is the area of the plates and d is separation between them, displacement current is
A constant current I is flowing through a cylindrical conductor, the direction of Poynting vector is
If is current density and ρ is the electric charge density then the equation
Which one of the following Maxwell’s equations implies the absence of magnetic monopoles?
If is an electric field and
is magnetic induction, then the energy per unit area per unit time in electromagnetic field is given by
The total energy stored in electromagnetic field is
What is the Poynting vector at the surface of a long cylindrical wire of radius R, length L carrying a current I, when its ends are kept at a potential difference of V ?
With an electromagnetic wave propagating in space, the total electromagnetic energy in a certain volume V can be written as which form ?
A plane electromagnetic wave is given by At a given location, the number of times
vanishes in 1s is
The electric and magnetic fields in the space are being unit vectors in x and y directions respectively. The Poynting vector in this region is