Ratio of the adiabatic coefficient of expansion which is to the isobaric coefficient of expansion
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For a perfect gas Joule - Thomson cofficient µ is equal to
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Calculate under what pressure (atm) water would boil at 150°C. If the change in specific volume when 1 gram of water is converted into steam is 1676cc. Given, latent heat of vaporization of steam = 540 cal/g; J = 4.2×107 erg/cal and one atmosphere pressure = 106 dynes/cm2
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The normal boiling point of benzene is 80°C. The latent heat of vaporization is 380 Joule/g, density of vapour at boiling points is 4g/litre and that of the liquid 0.9g/cm3 then the boiling point of benzene under a pressure of 80 cm of mercury.
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For any substance, the ratio of adiabatic and isothermal elasticities which are and
respectively is equal to :
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If C1 and C2 represents the specific heat of a liquid and its saturated vapour respectively and L is the latent heat of the vapour then clausius latent heat equation is given by :
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The Gibb’s function G in thermodynamics is defined as
G = H – TS
(where, H = Enthalpy, T = Temperature, S = Entropy)
In an isothermal, isobaric, reversible process, G
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The thermodynamical relation expressing TdS equation
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The ratio of the adiabatic to the isochoric pressure coefficient of expansion is
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