The core of a pencil is made of graphite not lead.
Only law enforcement officers should carry guns.
Reader's Digest is America's most popular magazine.
Most TV commercials today are misleading and silly.
Movies are generally more interesting than books.
Charles Dickens' fascinating novel A Tale of Two Cities was published in 1840.
You are prepared for science instead of English for the exam. You reach the school to find your mistake.
It was midnight when he heard gun-shots and cries of children and woman. On learning that the dacoits had raided his village, he…
You are desperately waiting for someone at home. You
Your friend is having problems at school.
You are getting late for your school and no bus is available. In such a situation
It's better to plant masses of flowers all in one color than in two or three colors.
The Krakatoa volcanic eruption was heard 1900 miles away.
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