What was the percentage of discount given?
I. 23.5% profit was earned by selling an almirah for Rs 12,350.
II. If there were no discount, the earned profit would have been 30%.
III. The cost price of the almirah was Rs 10,000.
What is the percent profit earned by the shopkeeper on selling the articles in his shop?
I. Labelled price of the articles sold was 130% of the cost price.
II. Cost price of each article was Rs 550.
III. A discount of 10% on labelled price was offered.
A trader uses 800 gm weight instead of 1 kg. Find his profit %.
A trader uses 1 kg weight for 800 gm and increases the price by 20%. Find his profit/loss %.
A milk vendor mixes water to milk such that he gains 25%. Find the percentage of water in the mixture.
A trader bought an item for Rs 200. If he wants a profit of 22%, at what price must he sell it?
A person buys an item at Rs 120 and sells to another at a profit of 25%. If the second person sells the item to another at Rs 180, what is the profit % of the second person?
A milk vendor mixes water to 20 litres of milk such that the ratio of milk and water is 4:3. He buys the milk at Rs 10 per litre and sells the mixture at Rs 12 per litre. Find the profit % of the vendor.
A trader buys some apples at a price of 10 apples for Rs 8 and sells them at a price of 8 apples for Rs 10. Find his profit or loss %.
A trader allows a discount of 25% on his articles but wants to gain 50% gain. How many times the C.P. should be marked on the items?
By selling an item at a price a trader gains 40%. What is the profit / loss % if the item is sold at half the price?
A trader gets a profit of 25% on an article. If he buys the article at 10% lesser price and sells it for Rs 2 less, he still gets 25% profit. Find the actual C.P. of the article.
A trader gets a discount of 20% from the dealer and marks it at 20% more price than the actual MP to the customer. Find his overall gain %.
If the cost price of 20 articles is equal to the selling price of 25 articles, what is the % profit or loss made by the merchant?
Sam buys 10 apples for Rs 1. At what price should he sell a dozen apples if he wishes to make a profit of 25%?
By selling an article at 80% of its marked price, a merchant makes a loss of 12%. What will be the percent profit made by the merchant if he sells the article at 95% of its marked price?
What is the maximum percentage discount that a merchant can offer on her Marked Price so that she ends up selling at no profit or loss, if she had initially marked her goods up by 50%?
A merchant who marked his goods up by 50% subsequently offered a discount of 20%. What is the percentage profit that the merchant make after offering the discount?
If oranges are bought at the rate of 30 for a rupee, how many oranges must be sold for a rupee in order to gain 25%?
Satish marks his goods 25% above cost price but allows 12.5% discount for cash payment. If he sells the article for Rs 875, find his cost price.
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