Polarization per unit applied electric field is given by
Two parallel plates have equal and opposite charges. When the space between them is evacuated the electric intensity is 3 × 105V/m and when the space is filled with dielectric the electric intensity is 1.0 × 105V/m. The induced charge density on the surface of the dielectric.
Polarization in a dielectric on application of electric field is
The outer sphere of spherical capacitor is earthed. For increasing its capacitance.
What is the new capacitance of the plates, when a slab of Dielectric Constant K and thickness one-fourth of the separation of plate is inserted between the plates?
If is the polarization vector and
is the unit vector normal to the surface then a polarized piece of a dielectric can be regarded as equivalent to
The susceptibility of a polar dielectric is temperature dependent because
At the boundary or interface between two dielectric media the vector and
are such that
In a dielectric conductor boundary (interface). The tangential component of electric field is