Consider the following statements
1. The percentage of Open forest in India is more than Moderately Dense forest
2. Area covered under Plantation is more than very Dense forest
3. Shifting Cultivation has increased over the years and shares more land use as compared to Non-Forestry Plantation.
Select the correct code-
Soil erosion is one of the major reasons for depleting forest covers of India. Consider the following statements w.r.t this-
1. Excessive erosion of bottom soil reduces both the fertility and water holding capacity of the soil.
2. Major part of Indian forest cover has undergone heavy soil erosion amounting almost 30% of Recorded Forest Area.
Select the correct code-
Which of the following is/are artificial methods of ‘Forest Regeneration’?
1. Taungya System
2. Silviculture System
Select the correct code-
Consider the statements regarding ‘Coral bleaching’
1. It is the loss of zooxanthellae through either expulsion or loss of algal pigmentation.
2. It happens due to increase in ocean temperature
3. All the corals undergoing bleaching are dead corals
Select the correct code-
Rhodiola has been a significant herb of research interests among the scientist all over the world. Consider the statements w.r.t Rhodiola
1. It has immunomodulatory, adaptogenic and radio-protecting abilities.
2. The root part is used by local people as vegetables
3. It is found in cold regions of the world
Which of the following statements is /are correct
Germany is investing in an emission reduction project in India as an alternative to reducingemissions domestically. It will be called as-
Identify the correct statement
1. The Bio-safety protocol deals with genetically modified organism
2. The Bio-safety protocol is also called as Nagoya Protocol
3. Both Nagoya and Cartagena Protocol deals with genetic resources
Select the correct code
The formation of ozone hole in the Antarctica region has been a cause of concern. Whatcould be the reason for the formation of this hole?
Consider the following statements regarding Bio-asphalt
1. It is eco-friendly to use bio-asphalt for surfacing of the roads
2. Unlike traditional asphalts, bio-asphalts is not based on fossil fuels.
3. Bio-asphalt can be made from organic waste materials.
4. Bio-asphalt can be made from non-renewable resources
Select the correct code-
Which bacterial strain, developed from natural isolates by genetic manipulations, canbe used for treating oil spills?
Consider the following statements
1. It is world’s most problematic aquatic weed
2. It is also called Terror of Bengal
Above statements fits for?
Consider the following statements
1. The Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is the measure of organic matter present in the water.
2. Greater the BOD, lesser is the polluting potential.
3. Microbes in sewage treatment plants increases the BOD of the effluent
Which of the above are NOT correct?
Match the following list of bioactive substances and their roles:
Consider the following
1. Azotobacter
2. Pseudomonas
3. Nostoc
4. Anabaena
5. Thiobacillus
Which of the above is NOT a nitrogen fixing organism?
Methanogens are common in Wetlands and are responsible for marsh gas. Consider the following w.r.t it
1. They are also found in ruminants of animals but not in human
2. They play significant role in aerobic wastewater treatment
3. They produce oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide and methane
Choose the correct options
Match the items in Column ‘A’ and Column ‘B’ and choose correct answer.
The correct answer is:
Use of certain chemicals and radiation to change the base sequence of genes of crop plant is termed as
If your COW is producing average MILK as compared to the cow of other breed, the bestmethod to increase its efficiency would be?
Which one of the following is not a fungal disease?
Consider the statements
1. Dinitrogen and dioxygen are main constituents of air but do not react at normal temperature
2. Nitrous oxide does not contribute to Green House Gases but excess of nitrogen dioxide can retard the rate of photosynthesis.
Select the WRONG statement/s
Which of the following departments come under Ministry of Finance?
1. Disinvestment
2. Revenue
3. Expenditure
4. Consumer Affairs
5. Commerce
Select the correct code
Consider the following statements
1. Phillips curve is direct relation of unemployment and inflation.
2. It explains deflation and hyperinflation much better than stagflation
Which of the above is/are NOT correct?
Consider the following statements
1. The highest population of Scheduled Tribes in India lives in Andhra Pradesh
2. There are more Scheduled Tribe’s in India than Scheduled Caste’s
Select the correct statement/s
Heinz Award is given in the field of
1. Art
2. Environment
3. Public Policy
4. Mathematics
5. Technology
Select the correct code
Consider the statements
1. West Bank is more close to Mediterranean Sea while Gaza Strip is far
2. Gaza strip is more close to Mediterranean Sea than Dead sea
3. West Bank is close to Dead Sea than Mediterranean Sea
4. Gaza Strip is close to Dead Sea than Mediterranean Sea
Identify the correct statement/s
Fogs are formed due to
1. Conduction
2. Radiation
3. Mixing of warm and cold air masses
Select the correct codes from above
Which of the following are associated with natural processes of Nitrogen Fixation?
1. Lightening
2. Cloud Bursting
3. Bacteria
4. Blue-green Algae
5. Fungi
Select the correct codes
Consider the following
1. Sound waves
2. Light waves
3. Electromagnetic waves
Temperature inversion will affect?
Tropospheric Ozone consists of
1. Sulphur Dioxide
2. Methane
3. Nitrogen Oxides
4. Volatile Organic Compounds
5. Carbon Monoxide
Choose the correct options
92 videos|161 docs|51 tests
92 videos|161 docs|51 tests