From which Constitution of the World, the Indian Constitution has adopted the concept of “Directive Principles of State Policy”?
Constitution of India considers free and compulsory education to children up to
The Preamble of the Indian Constitution was for the first time amended by the
How does the Constitution of India describe India as?
The method of amending the Constitution by popular veto is found in
What is the basis of classification of governments as unitary and federal?
Which part of the Constitution deals with the Directive Principles of State Policy?
In the 8 Schedule of the Constitution of India, which languages were added subsequently?
Under which Article of the Constitution is the President’s Rule introduced in a state due to the failure of the constitutional machinery?
The method of Impeachment of the President of India is adopted from
Which Article of the Indian Constitution a bolishes ‘Untouch-ability’?
Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with ‘Fundamental Rights’?
Indian Penal Code came into operation in
Article 370 of the Constitution of India provides for
How many languages are contained in the 8th Schedule of the Indian Constitution?
The articles 17 and 18 of Constitution provide
Which Article of the Indian Constitution includes the Fundamental Duties of the Indian citizens?
How many schedules does the Constitution of India contain?
Article 1 of the Constitution declares India as
Which Article of the Indian Constitution provides for the Institution of Panchayati Raj ?
Where is the objective of ‘Social Justice’ articulated in the Constitution of India?
Of the various grounds below, which is the one criterion on which discrimination by the state is not prohibited in Article 15 of the Constitution?
Article 19 of the Indian Constitution provides
Indian Parliament can rename or redefine the boundary of a State by
Which among the following Articles of the Indian Constitution provides for State emergency and suspends Constitutional arrangement in a State?
Which Article of the Indian Constitution provides for the employer to give maternity benefits to his employees ?
From the following languages listed in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution pick out the one which is the official language of a State.
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