An electromagnetic wave is propagating in free space in the z-direction. If the electric field is given by where ωt = ck then the magnetic field is given by
The electric field for a plane electromagnetic wave traveling in the positive z-direction is represented by which one of the following?
Where, are the unit vectors along x, z-directions respectively.
In an electromagnetic wave, the direction of the magnetic induction is
Which property of an electromagnetic wave, depends on the medium in which it is travelling?
The direction of propagation of electromagnetic wave is given by
If a plane electromagnetic wave propagating in space has an electric field of amplitude 9 × 103V/m, then the amplitude of the magnetic field is
Two conducting plates of infinite extent, one plate at z = 0 and the other at z = L, both parallel to the xy-plane. Then the vector and scalar potential in the region between the plates is given by
For this to represent a standing wave in the empty region between the plates
Which one of the following statements regarding the electric fields and
is correct?
In an electromagnetic wave in free space, the root mean square value of the electric field is 6 V/m. The peak value of the magnetic field is
An electromagnetic wave propagates through a non-magnetic medium which has two parameters. These are dielectric constant, ε and refractive index n. The relationship between them is