How many triangles are there in the give figure? (SSC CGL 1st Sit.2014)
DIRECTIONS: Among the four answer figures, which figure can be formed from the cut-pieces given below in the question figure? (SSC Multitasking 2013)
Question Figure:
Answer Figures:
DIRECTIONS: Among the four answer figures, which figure can be formed from the cut-pieces given below in the question figure? (2013)
Question Figure:
Answer Figures:
Which answer figure includes all the components given in the question figure? (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2013)
Question Figure:
Answer Figure:
Identify the response figure from which the question figure’s pieces have been cut. (SSC CGL 2nd Sit. 2013
Question Figure:
Answer Figure:
There is a ball and a rectangular jar. Four positions are shown below to keep them balanced. Which of the following will not get balanced easily? (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2013)
Question Figure:
Answer Figure:
Which of the answer figures include the separate components found in the question figure? (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2013)
Question Figure:
Answer Figure:
How many cubes are there in the group? (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2013)
How many triangles are there in the given figure? (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2013)
Find out which of the answer figures will exactly make up the question figure? (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2013)
Question Figure:
Answer Figure:
Find out which of the following answer figures will exactly make up the question figure? (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2013)
Question Figure:
Answer Figure:
How many triangles are there in the figure ABCDEF? (SSC Sub. Ins. 2012)
In the question, one part of the problem figure is subtracted.Select the option that shows the correct shape after subtraction. (SSC Sub. Ins. 2012)
Question Figure:
Answer Figure:
A series of figures are given which can be grouped as related to students, artists and scientists. Select the groups into which the figures can be classified. (SSC Sub. Ins. 2012)
1. Pen
2. Flask
3. Book
4. Test Tube
5. School bag
6. Design
7. Flame
8. Flower
9. Painting
How many triangles are there in this figure? (SSC CHSL 2012)
Question figure:
How many rectangles are there in the given diagram? (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2011)
How many triangles are there in the given figure? (SSC CGL 2nd Sit. 2011)
DIRECTIONS: Among the four answer figures, which figure can be formed from the cut-pieces given below in the question figure? (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2010)
Question Figure:
Answer Figures:
How many triangles are there in the following figure? (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2010)
Among the four answer figures, which figure can be formed from the cut pieces given below in the question figure? (SSC CGL 2nd Sit. 2010)
Question Figure:
How many triangles are there in the following figure? (SSC CGL 2nd Sit. 2010)
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