In the equilibrium state, the thermodynamic probability of a system is.
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A monoatomic crystalline solid comprises of N atoms, out of which n atoms are in interstitial positions. If the available interstitial sites are N', then number of possible microstates is.
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Thermodynamic variables of a system can be volume V, pressure p, temperature T, number of particular N, internal energy E and chemical potential µ etc. For a system to be specified by microcanonical (MC), canonical ensemble (CE) and Grand Canonical (GC) ensembles, the parameters required for the respective example are :Select one:
If ρ represents the density of phase space. Which of the following is the equation for Liouville’s theorem.
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In a microcanonical ensemble, a system A of fixed volume is in contact with a large reservoir B. Then
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In a classical microcanonical ensemble for a system of N interacting particles, the fundamental volume in phase space which is regarded as equivalent to one microstate is.
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A one-dimensional random walker takes steps to the left or right with equal probability. The probability that the random walker starting from the origin is back to the origin after N even number of steps is.
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In a canonical ensemble, a system A of fixed volume is in contact with a large reservoir B then
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For a microcanonical ensemble, the phase density inside a small energy interval remains constant and outside such a region, it is.
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