If Z be the partition function and then the average energy of the system is given by.
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For a Fermi gas of N particles in three dimension at T = 0K, the Fermi energy Ef is proportional to
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Which of the following relations between the particle number density n and temperature T must hold good for a gas consisting of non-interacting particles to be described by quantum statistics?
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When an ideal quantum gas can be treated as an ideal classical gas?
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What is the partition function of a monoatomic gas contained in value V, at temperature T and pressure p
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Consider a one level system having energy where V0 is a constant and symbols have usual meanings, the partition function for the system is.
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The partition function of a single gas molecule is Zα. The partition function of N such non-interacting gas molecules is then given by
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The classical partition function Z gives the
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For a single particle of mass m enclosed in a volume V. the number of accessible microstate in energy range E to is given by the (the phase space is divided by the rule
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