Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
Traps are used in household drainage systems to
Eutrophication of water bodies is caused by the
Self-purification of running streams may be due to
Which of the following is a weakness of bar chart
The time corresponding to minimum total project cost is
A sample of soil has the following properties:
Liquid limit = 45%
Plastic limit = 25%
Shrinkage limit = 17%
Natural moisture content = 30%
The consistency index of the soil is
In a saturated soil deposit having a density of 22 kN/m3, the effective normal stress on ahorizontal plane at 5 m depth will be
The dry density of a soil is 1.5 g/cc. If the saturation water content were 50%, then itssaturated density and submerged density would, respectively, be
In standard penetration test, the splitspoon sampler is penetrated into the soil stratum by giving blows from a drop weight whose weight(in kg) and free fall (in cm) are, respectively
Fibre saturation point of timber is the moisture content in % when
According to the relevant I.S. code, the weight of the timber is to be reckoned at a
Bureau of Indian Standards classifies bitumen into grades 65/25, 85/40 etc. The first and second numbers respectively refer to
Consider the following statements:
The effect of air entrainment in concrete is to
1. increase resistance to freezing and thawing
2. improve workability
3. decrease strength
Which of these statements are correct
The beam ABC shown in Fig. is horizontal
The distance to the point of contraflexure from the fixed end 'A' is
The bending moment diagram of the beam shown in Fig. 10.55 is
A shaft turns at 150 rpm under a torque of 1500 Nm. Power transmitted is
For the compound bar whown in Fig. 10.61, the ratio of stresses in the portions AB : BC:
CD will be
A beam of square section 'a' is used with its diagonal horizontal. The modulus of section of
the beam is given by
For rivets in tension with counter-sunk heads, the tensile value shall be
Battens provided for a compression member shall be designed to carry a transverse shear equal to
Minimum clear cover (in mm) to the main steel bars in slab, beam, column and footing respectively are
In case of 2-way slab, the limiting deflection of the slab is
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