An aggregate is called fine aggregate if it iscompletely passes through
The foundation in which a cantilever beam is provided to join two footings, is known as
The change in the slope between two points in astraight member under flexure is equal to the areaof diagram between those two points. thisstatement is known as
The conjugate beam of a cantilever with end Afixed and end B is free is
Hinge is replaced by ___________ in conjugate beam.
The degree of static indeterminacy of plane frameshown fig. is
A solid conical bar of uniformly diameter has diameter D at one end and zero at the other end. If the length of the bar is L, modulus of elasticity E and E and unit weight γ, the extension of the bar due to self -weight only is
The coefficient of thermal expansion of steel is 12 × 10–6/ºC and that of stainless steel is 18×10–6/ºC. Length of steel bar is twice the length of stainless steel bar. The ratio of expansion of steel bar to expansion of stainless steel bar, when the rise of temperature is same
If a bar of volume V is stressed in axial direction by P and Young's modulus is E, strain energy stored is
Stress developed due to application of a loadsuddenly is ______ times that due to same loadbeing applied gradually.
If a simply supported beam AB of span is subjected to an external moment M at distance a from end A, the reactions RA and RB are
Section modulus of a triangular cross-section of width b and height h is
A cantilever carries a uniformly distributed load fixed end to the midspan in the first case and UDL of same intensity from midspan to the free end in the second case. The ratio of maximum deflections in the two cases is
If qs is maximum shear stress due to torque and G is the modulus of rigidity of material of solid
shaft, strain energy stored is
If M is bending moment and T is the torque a section on a circular shaft of diameter d. maximum principal stress is
If M is the moment and T is the torque acting at a section in circular shaft of diameter d. maximum shear stress is
In the working stress method of R.C.C design, modular ratio between steel and concrete used
In the working stress method of R.C.C design factor of safety used for concrete and mild steel due to bending are respectively
In working stress method of design, factor ofsafety is1.Ultimate stress Working stress 2.Ultimate load Working load
Which one of the following is the correct shape of stress block showing distribution of compressive stress in concrete beam at limit state across the depth (Ref fig.)
For a rectangular beam of size b × d, with yield stress of steel fy, area of steel Ast, concrete with characteristic strength fck, for under-reinforced section, neutral axis to depth ratio is given by
When the depth of a beam exceeds______ side face reinforcement be provide
IS 456–2000 recommends that in any column a minimum of _____ reinforcement should be used
Partial safety factors for dead load and live load for limit state of strength are
Size of rivet hole is kept _____ more them size of rivet
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