The effective slenderness ratio of a cantilever column is
In a cantilever beam subjected to general loading, the maximum bending moment is at
A bar having a cross-sectional area of 700 mm2 is subjected to axial loads at the positionsindicated. The value of stress in the segment QR is
Ratio of length of column to the minimum radius of gyration of the cross-sectional area of thecolumn is known as
A linear force-deformation relation is obtained in materials
The property of a material by which it can be beaten or rolled into plates, is called
In the cantilevel beam shown in the given figure δ2 is the deflection under × due to load w1 at T and δ1 is the deflection under Y due to load w2 due to load w2 at x. The ratio of is
The given figure shows a portal frame with one end fixed and other hinged. The ratio of the fixed end moments MBA/MCD due to side sway will be
A lighthouse is visible jsut above the horizon at a certain station at the sea level. The distance b/w the station & the light house is 40km. The height of light house is approx.
The given figure shows a frame loaded with a single concentrated load P. The fixed-end moment developed at Support A will be
Mean sea level at any place is the average datum of the hourly tide height observed over a periodof nearly
If the sensitivity of the bubble tube of a level is 30" of arc per division, determine the disn of apoint at which the combined curvature and refraction correction become numerically equalto the error induced by dislevelment of 1 division of the level tube-
If the sensitivity of a bubble tube of a levelling instrument is 30" per 2mm division. Find the error in the staff reading on a staff held at a distance 100m caused by the bubble being two divisions out of the centre.
The following bearings were taken in running closed compass traverse ABCDA
One would suspect local attraction at stations
How high should a helicopter pilot rise at a point A just to see the horizon at pt B if the distanceAB is 90km?
A Parabolic vertical curve is to be set out connecting two uniform grade of +0.6% and +1.0%. The rate of change of grade is to be 0.06% per 30 minute. The lenth of curve will be.
The method of plane tabling commonly used for establishing instrument station is the method of
The process of determining the location of the station (on the map) occupied by plane table iscalled.
If the cross-section areas of an embankment at 30 m. interval are 20, 40, 60, 50, 30 m2 respectively, then the volume of embankment on the vasis of prismoidal rule.
If one intends to obtain the best workability of concrete the prefered shape of aggregate is?
According to the Indian Standard specifications, concrete should be cured under a humidity of?
Fitness of cement is measured in the units of?
What treatment is adopted for making timber fire resistant?
As per IS classification the minimum compressive strength of a first class brick should be?
Which of the following tests compare the dynamic modules of elasticity of sample ofconcrete?
What is requirement of water (expressed as % of cement w/w) for complition of chemicalreaction in process of hydration of OPC.
What is the ratio of flexural strength (fcr) to the characteristic compressive strength of concrete (fck) for M25 grade concrete ?
Which one of the following is the correct statement? refractory bricks resist
On which of the following is the working principle of concrete hammer for nondestructivetest based?
2 videos|122 docs|55 tests