Under metamorphism, which of the followingchanges is correct?
The principal constituent of argillaceous rock is
The tress, of which leaves fall in autumn and newones appear in spring are classified as
The maximum area of tension reinforcement in beams shall not exceed
To check the size of brick number of bricks tobe kept side by side is
Vee–Bee consistometer test is suitable for findingworkability of
'In a linearly elastic structure, partial derivativeof the strain enrgy with respect to a load is equalto the deflection of the point where the load isacting, the deflection being measured in the direction of the load'. This is known as
Match List -I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists:
Which of the following symbols should be placed in the blank spaces respectively (in the same order from left to right) in order to complete the given expression in such a manner that 'S > P' definitely holds true but 'S = P' does not hold true?
P_Q_R _S
The point in the cross section of beam throug hwhich if load acts there will not be any twisting of the beam but there will be only bending is knowns as
The degree of kinematic indeterminacy of frame shown in the figure ignoring the axial deformation is given by,
For strength calculations and service ability calculations, poisson's ratio of concrete is taken respectively as
The Young's modulus for all grades of steel is
Vertical component of shear resisted by stirrups inclined at a to vertical in a R.C. beam is
Partial safety factor for dead ,load, imposed loadand wind load for limit state of collapse arerespectively
If a section of overall depth D and width b is subjected to design moment Mu, design bending shear Vu and design torque Tu, the section should be designed for
If fy is yield stress , Ø the diameter and Tbd design bond stress in plain bar, the bond length required is given by
For deflection calculation of a R.C. beam of size b × d with reinforcement on one side only, depth of neutral axis from compression flange x is given by
The maximum eccentricity to be considered in a R.C. column of length l is
Bearing stiffeners are provided at
i. supports ii. the mid span
iii. the point of application of concentrated
The correct answer is
Match List -I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists:
Load carrying capacity of compression member depends upon
Lacing shall be designed to resist transverseshear Vt equal to
In lap joints with welding, lap should not be lessthan
If t is the thickness of thinner plate jointed byintermittent weld, minimum spacing recommended in tension and compression jointsare respectively
In a bolt used for connecting a bracket, moment is in the plane of group of bolts, if F1 is direct shear stress and F2, the stress due to moment,resultant stress is
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