Upper yield point in the stress strain curve instructural steel can be avoided by
The effective length of a structural steelcompression member of length L effectively heldin position and restrained against rotation at oneend but neither held in position and restrainedagainst rotation at the other end, is
Consider the following statements:A grillage base is checked for
1. bending
2. shear
3. compression
4. web crippling
Which of these statements are correct
The permissible stresses for main structural steelmembers under dynamic loads should beincreased by
As per IS : 800 in the case of a plate girder withvertical and horizontal stiffeners, the greater andlesser unsupported clear dimension of a webthickness 'tw' should not exceed respectively
Which one of the following pairs is correctlymatched ?
In a plate grinder bridge the thickness of web isless than d '/200 where d ' is the unsupporteddepth of web. The web plate should be providedwith
What is the maximum slenderness ratio of lacingbars in built-up columns?
Where should splices in the columns be provided?
Index number expressing the relative seizes ofboth coarse and fine aggregates, is called
Smith's test of stones is performed to find out
Match the List-I with List-II and select a suitable
answer by using the codes given below the lists
The foundation in which a cantilever beam isprovided to join two footings, is known as
Black cotton soil is unsuitable for foundationsbecause its
On a diagonal scale, it is possible to read up to
Diaphragm of a surveying telescope is held inside
Closed contours of decreasing values towards their centre, represent
The theodolites used for making tacheometricobservations by optical wedge system, are
The radius of a simple circular curve is 300 mand length of its specified chord is 30 m. Thedegree of the curve is
With usual notations, the expression represents
In case of reduction of levels by the height of
instrument method
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