The popular view is that Ozone layer’s depletion is real, as certain as Neil Armstrong's landing on the moon. While that may be the case, the attribution of such depletion to man-made chemicals is not true. Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines spewed forth more than a thousand times the amount of ozone-depleting chemicals in one volcanic eruption than all the fluorocarbons manufactured by wicked, diabolical and insensitive corporations in history. Mankind can't possibly equal the output of even one eruption from Pinatubo, much less 4 billion years' worth of them, so how can it be held responsible for destroying ozone.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument of the author depends?
When construction workers start taking breaks from work to keep from burning out, a cyclical chain of events starts. Such breaks during work hours lead to increased work load, which in turn prompts construction managers to exert pressure on the workers to finish their tasks as soon as possible. This, in turn, leads construction workers to take longer and more frequent breaks.
The cyclical chain of events described above could not result unless which of the following were true?
The Circle Multiplex has seen tremendous growth in the number of customers since it signed an exclusive contract with a leading distributor. For the last seven months, unlike previous months, almost all the shows have been booked completely. A number of customers have even been turned away for most of the shows. Consequently, the management proposes to increase its profits by raising the ticket prices slightly above the competition’s as it believes that invariably the Multiplex will be able to fill its capacity.
Which of the following statements is an assumption made by the management of The Circle Multiplex?
Opponents of free university-education in the country feel that allocating resources to providing free post-high school education would be wastage of the tax-payers money. They claim that no significant economic benefit will be realized from the same since most people with degrees will likely do such jobs in the country for which they are over-qualified and that the most bright and academically oriented people from economically underprivileged backgrounds do anyway benefit from the various scholarships already in place by the government.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the opponents’ argument is based?
Citing that popular sports such as cricket and football have been able to sustain themselves without any financial aid from the government, some people believe that if people have enough interest in an art form, they will be willing to pay the money to experience it. Therefore, they reason that even if the government stops art subsidies, ultimately only those art forms will survive that most people actually have interest in.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the conclusion of the people mentioned in the above argument depends?
During the Civil War, railroads were the quickest way to transport troops across locations. However, the railroads were originally used to transport agricultural products, particularly wheat, from their place of production to their place of sale. Clearly, the militarization of the railroads must have affected the transport of agricultural goods during the war, thereby also impacting the sales of such products. So, sales of wheat during the Civil War must have been considerably lower than sales of wheat before the war.
Which of the following is an assumption made by the author?
Advisor: The city of Benzaria should discontinue the requirement from all schools to provide video recordings of classroom sessions to the students. The cost implications to maintain such a facility are quite significant for the schools, and the benefit is non-existent as can be seen from the fact that since the implementation of the plan, the difference in the test scores of students in Benzaria and those of students in Karamal has not come down even though Karamal has not implemented this program.
Critic: I disagree as the test scores in Karamal have improved. The implementation of the program in Benzaria has forced the government in Karamal to maintain better school standards in order to compete with Benzaria for federal government funds, the allocation of which is determined by average student test scores in the city.
hich of the following statements is an assumption underlying the critic’s argument?
Geometrical patterns are often utilized in intelligence tests, typically with the test-taker being given a specific pattern and then being asked to identify a matching pattern from a given set of images. However, pattern recognition is a measure of precognition abilities. Therefore, geometrical patterns should not be used in IQ tests.
Which of the following is an assumption made by the author?
In an experiment undertaken by the management of a company to determine how to best motivate its employees, certain employees were sent weekly e-mails appreciating their work for two months. At the end of the two months, it was found in a survey conducted on all the employees that the ones not sent the e-mails on average reported less satisfaction from their work than the ones sent the mails. Therefore, in the long run, to keep the morale and productivity of its employees high, a company should appreciate the work of its employees on a regular basis.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument relies?
The high rate of depression among people in countries that do not receive much sunlight most of the year prompted researchers at the University of Frankphyl to study the link between a lack of vitamin D, which is found naturally in sunlight, and the incidence of depression. The study found that in patients with a relatively severe degree of depression, the level of vitamin D was lower than in patients with a milder degree of depression. The researchers hence concluded that people in such countries can avert depression by including vitamin D supplements in their diet.
Which of the following is required for the conclusion drawn by the researchers to hold true?
Two years ago, the state of Lonsia declared the goal of reducing the number of un-recycled soda cans to half. The un-recycled soda cans were about 10 per person then. Currently the soda cans that are un-recycled are only 5 per person. Clearly, the state has met its goal.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
While handsets get hyped, a typical U.S. consumer watches more than 5 hours of TV a day, according to Nielsen, and even younger adults from 18 to 24 years of age—the supposed digital generation—spend 3 hours and 30 minutes watching TV daily compared to only 49 minutes on the Web and 20 minutes on mobile phones. Therefore, since most media is still consumed through TV, the claims that TV as a medium for advertising has lost some importance are certainly incorrect.
Which of the following must be true for the above argument to hold?
Director of TalMart: Our company provides a 90-day without-question return policy on all products sold. Each month on an average, our outlets receive requests for returns on almost 20% of the sales made. It is clear that because of the ‘without question’ clause, our customers have no incentive to make wiser selections. If customers made better selections to begin with, then we would not see most of these products being returned.
Which of the following is required for the argument to hold?
In the last year, a company has lost a few clients and gained a few. But the number of clients lost has been lower than the number of new clients. Also, the average sales for each new client are more than the average sales for each of the other clients. Therefore, it is likely that the company’s average sales per client have been increasing steadily.
Which of the following is required for the above argument to hold?
In a July 2011 survey of 53 prominent American economists, 65% said that lack of demand was the main reason why employers were not hiring new employees as compared to 27% who said that high rate of corporate taxation was the main reason. Therefore, higher corporate taxes didn’t likely lead to lower employment rates.
Which of the following statements must be true for the above argument to hold?
Penta Airlines and Hexa Airlines are the two largest airlines in Miambi and are also very close competitors. Lately, Penta has been gaining market share because of the increasing customer focus on on-time performance, in which Penta is much better than Hexa. Taking a serious view of the decline in market share, Hexa recently implemented a slew of measures to improve its on-time performance. The last month statistics for on-time performance show that the difference between Hexa and Penta has narrowed down, indicating that recently implemented measures have been successful.
Which of the following is an assumption made by the author of the above argument?
At a wildlife sanctuary, two methods are usually employed to tranquilize injured animals for treatment: injections and sprays. Although tranquilizer sprays are delivered faster, the overall time taken by the injection to tranquilize an animal is less than that taken by the spray. Therefore, using injections is a more effective method than using the tranquilizer spray.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
All intelligent life is multi-cellular, and multi-cellular life is only possible if the cells have the capability of producing energy. The cells in present day humans, animals, and plants, examples of complex cellular life, require oxygen to break nutrients down and create energy. Since the earth’s environment consisted almost entirely of carbon dioxide prior to the Wiwaxia event, there is little chance that any intelligent life existed on earth prior to the Wiwaxia event.
Which of the following is required to draw the conclusion in the above argument?
The topics included in Financial Accounting books are a reflection of the demands that book publishers are trying to meet. The major deciding factor in the purchase decision of books is the recommendation of university professors. Therefore, the topics included in Financial Accounting books are limited to the general topics of study prescribed by the education board.
Which of the following is an assumption made in drawing the conclusion above?
Studies have shown that regularly used household washing machines are teeming with bacteria that find their way onto our clothes and consequently onto us, causing various bacterial infections. Rinsing these machines with bleach is an effective way to get rid of such bacteria. However certain other studies have shown that bleach when used in the undiluted form can severely corrode the metal drum in the machines. Thus, bleach, as long as it is diluted properly, is an effective and safe means of eliminating any health risks from such washing machines.
The argument above will not hold unless which of the following statements holds true?
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