Find the position of centre of buoyancy for a wooden block of width 3.5 m and depth 1 m, when it floats horizontally in water. The density of wooden block id 850 kg/m3 and its length 7.0 m.
A stone weighs 450 N in air and 200 N in water. Compute the volume of stone.
A stone weighs 650 N in air and 275 N in water. Compute its specific gravity.
A body of dimensions 2.7 m * 3.8 m * 2.5 m, weighs 2500 N in water.Find its weight in air.
Find the density of metallic body which floats at the interface of mercury of 13.6 and water such that 40 % of its volume is sub-merged in mercury and 60% in water.
What is the principal cause of action of buoyant force on a body submerged partially or fully in fluid?
How can relatively denser object be made to float on the less dense fluid?
What happens to the buoyant force acting on the airship as it rises in the air?
As a balloon rises in the air its volume increases, at the end it acquires a stable height and cannot rise any further.
Submarines use principle of ‘neutral buoyancy’ to go into the water.
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