A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H are all integers, listed in order of increasing size. When these numbers are arranged on a number line, the distance between any two consecutive numbers is constant. If G and H are equal to 512 and 513, respectively, what is the value of A?
The three-digit positive integer x has the hundreds, tens, and units digits of a, b, and c, respectively. The three-digit positive integer y has the hundreds, tens, and units digits of k, l , and m, respectively. If (2a)(3b)(5c) = 12(2k)(3l)(5m), what is the value of x – y?
If 274x + 2 × 162-2x × 36x × 96 – 2x = 1, then what is the value of x?
If (22x+1)(32y-1) = 8x27y, then x + y =
x2 + bx + 72 = 0 has two distinct integer roots; how many values are possible for 'b'?
If x > 0, how many integer values of (x, y) will satisfy the equation 5x + 4|y| = 55?
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