There's one reliable indicator to demonstrate that a startup information technology company is successful. When one of the global IT giants, a Microsoft or an Intel, for instance buys a major stake in the company, you can bet that its business focus and products are on target.
Which of the conclusions can be best drawn from the passage above?
In the United States, injuries to passengers involved in automobile accidents are typically more severe than in Europe, where laws require a different kind of safety belt. It is clear from this that the United States needs to adopt more stringent standards for safety belt design to protect automobile passengers better.
Each of the following, if true, weakens the argument above EXCEPT:
The findings of recent research indicate that prolonged exposure to radiation from computer monitors diminishes mental capacity. The evidence cited in the study shows that workers who spend in excess of 20 hours per week directly in front of a computer monitor exhibit an average 12% reduction in cognitive abilities after 15 years in the same occupation.
The response to which of the following questions would be most helpful in evaluating the reasoning presented in the survey?
Relationship Advisor: When people ask me about causes of divorce, I point to statistics. Surveys of couples have shown that those who live together before getting married are more likely to get divorced. Clearly, living together before marriage is one of the causes of divorce.
Which of the following, if true, is most damaging to the relationship advisor’s conclusion?
Which of the following most logically completes the argument given?
Asthma, a chronic breathing disorder, is significantly more common today among adult competitive swimmers than it is among competitive athletes who specialize in other sports. Although chlorine is now known to be a lung irritant and swimming pool water is generally chlorinated, it would be rash to assume that frequent exposure to chlorine is the explanation of the high incidence of asthma among these swimmers, since __________.
Although exposure to asbestos is the primary cause of mesothelioma, a slow-developing cancer, researches believe that infection by the SV40 virus is a contributing cause, since in the United States 60 percent of tissue samples from mesotheliomas, but none from healthy tissue, contain SV40. SV40 is a monkey virus; however, in 1960 some polio vaccine was contaminated with the virus. Reseachers hypothesize that this vaccine was the source of the virus found in mesotheliomas decades later.
Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the researchers' hypothesis?
It is widely believed that eating chocolate can cause acne. Indeed, many people who are susceptible to acne report that, in their own experience, eating large amounts of chocolate is invariably followed by an outbreak of that skin condition. However, it is likely that common wisdom has mistaken an effect for a cause. Several recent scientific studies indicate that hormonal changes associated with stress can cause acne and there is good evidence that people who are fond of chocolate tend to eat more chocolate when they are under stress
Of the following, which one most accurately expresses the main point of the argument?
Automobile manufacturers defend their substitution of steel frames in cars with cheaper plastic components by claiming that consumer demand is ruled by a desire for light cars with crumple zones rather than as a result of corporate profit motives. However, if this trend were true, then carbon reinforced tubing, which is lighter than steel and stronger, would be available as an option. It is not.
Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the argument against the automobile manufacturer's claim?
Manager: Our company's mail-order sales have recently increased 25 percent. This increase started around the time we started offering unlimited free shipping, rather than just free shipping on orders over $50. Thus, our change in policy probably caused the increase.
Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the manager's argument?
Emotional stress is a well known cause of certain serious health problems, including high blood pressure and cardiac complications. Now, an additional concern can be added to the list of maladies caused by emotional stress. A recent study surveyed both people who have high levels of emotional stress and people who don’t, and found that people with high emotional stress levels are significantly more obese and nervous than people with lower levels of emotional stress.
Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument rests?
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