Local attraction in compass surveying may exist due to
The horizontal angle between the true meridian and magnetic meridian at a place is called
A negative declination shows that the magnetic meridian is to the
If the lower clamp screw is tightened and upper clamp screw is loosened, the theodolite may be rotated
The error due to eccentricity of inner and outer axes can be eliminated by
While measuring horizontal angles by the method of repetition with a theodolite, readings are taken on both the verniers. Which one of the following errors will be eliminated by reading both the verniers?
If the quadrantal bearing of a line is N25°W, then the whole circle bearing of the line is
The following bearings were observed while traversing with a compass:
Which stations were affected by local attraction?
The coordinates of two end-points A and B of a traverse line AB are
XA = 1000.00 m, YA = 1000.00 m
XB = 2000.00 m, YB = 1000.00 m
The bearing of the line AB will be
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