Linear List or Arrarys are one of the simplest data strucures and are very easy to _________.
If the stack is implemented using a linked list, which of the following nodes is considered as the top of the stack?
In the ________ search, each element of the array list is compared with the given item to be searched for, One by One.
What are the different searching algorithms in Data structre.
The __________ refers to arranging elements of a list in ascending or descending order.
In _________ search, the ITEM is searched for in smaller segment (nearly half the previous segment) after every stage.
What is the maximum number of swaps that can be performed in the Selection Sort algroithm?
Which data structure is mostly used in the recursive algorithm’s implementation?
The condition is known as___ if the stack has a size of 10 and we attempt to add the 11th element to it.
What data structures from the list below can be utilised to implement queues?
Which of the following sorting algorithms, in the worst-case situation, offers the best temporal complexity?
A ____________ is a named group of data of different data types which can be processed as a single unit.
If you want to create 2D list by inputting element by element, you can employ a ____________ loop.