If x, y and z are integers, is x/(yz) an integer?
1) y is a factor of x more than once
2) All of the prime factors of z are also factors of y
If x & y are integers, is xy + 1 divisible by 3?
1) When x is divided by 3, the remainder is 1
2) When y is divided by 9, the remainder is 8
If @ represents a digit in 7 digit no. 3,62@,215, what is the value of @?
1) Sum of 7 digits is equal to 4 times an integer
2) Missing digit is different from any of the other digits in the number
Pam & Ed are in a line to purchase tickets. How many people are in the line?
1) There are 20 people behind Pam and 20 people in front of Ed.
2) There are 5 people between Pam & Ed
The participants in a race consisted of 3 teams with 3 runners on each team. A team was awarded 6Mn points if one of its runner finished in nth place where 1 ≤ n ≤ 5. If all the runners finished the race & there were no ties, was each team awarded at least one point?
1) No team awarded more than a total of 6 points
2) No pair of teammates finished in consecutive places among the top five places.
If x & y are +ve integers, is 2x a multiple of y?
1) 2x + 2 is a multiple of y
2) y is a multiple of x
If z1, z2, z3,..........,zn is a series of consecutive +ve integers, is the sum of all the integers in this series odd?
1) Average of all the numbers in the series is odd
2) n is odd
If x & y are +ve integers, what is the remainder when x is divided by y?
1) When x is divided by 2y, the remainder is 4
2) When x + y is divided by y, the remainder is 4
Sequence S consists of 24 nonzero integers. If each term in S after the second is product of the previous 2 terms, how many terms in S are –ve?
1) 3rd term in S is +ve
2) 4th term in S is –ve
A certain calculator is able to display at most 10 digits, so that any number with a total of more than 10 digits before and after the decimal point cannot be displayed accurately. If x & y are +ve integers less than 1000, can the result of dividing x by y be displayed accurately on the calculator?
1) 105 < x < 108
2) 3 < y < 6
If n is an integer, then n is divisible by how many +ve integers?
1) n is the product of 2 different prime numbers
2) n and 23 are each divisible by same number of +ve integers
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