Monostable multivibrator is called one-shot or single-shot circuit because it
The hexadecimal number 64 AC is equivalent to decimal number
A binary with a digits, all of which are unity has the value
A microprocessor with a 16-bit address bus is used in a linear memory selection configuration (i.e., Address bus lines are directly used as chip selects of memory chips) with 4 memory chips. The maximum addressable memory space is
Unlimited number of ICs 7490, 78492 and 7493 are available. Which of these could be used to build the dividse-by-60 circuit of figure
One of the function of the Sio2 layer in an IC is to
In a shift register the data is loaded in one operation but shifted out one bit at a time, The shift register is
The contents of the program counter after the call operation point to the first instruction on the
The output of the 74 series of TTL gates is taken from a BST in
Assertion (A): Demorgan's first theorem replaces a NOR gate by bubbled AND gate.
Reason (R): Double complement of a variable equals the variable.
Assertion (A): The use of 2's complement has simplified the computer hardware for arithmetic operations
Reason (R): 2's complement is obtained by adding 1 to 1's complement.
How many lines are there in address bus of 8085 μp?
Consider the following statements Timer 555 can be used as
How many AND gates are required to realize Y = CD + EF + G?
The PC contains 0450 H and SP contains 08D 6 H. What will be content of P and SP following a CALL to subroutine at location 02 AFH?
An n bit ADC using Vr as reference has a resolution (in volts) of
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