X = a.bc
If a, b and c denote the units, tenths and hundredths digits in the decimal representation of X above, what is the value of the product abc?
(1) 100X divided by 50 leaves a remainder 24
(2) 1000X divided by 8 leaves a remainder 0
If z is a positive integer and r is the remainder when z2 + 2z + 4 is divided by 8, what is the value of r?
(1) When (z-3)2 is divided by 8, the remainder is 4
(2) When 2z is divided by 8, the remainder is 2
If x is an integer that lies between 390 and 400, exclusive, what is the value of x?
For a non-negative integer n, the function mod(n, d) denotes the remainder obtained when n is divided by positive integer d. Which of the following statements must be true?
I. mod(n, d) = mod(-2n, d)
II. If mod(n, d) = 1, then mod(5n, d) = 5
III. [mod(n, d)]2 = mod (n2, d)
When a class of n students is divided into groups of 6 students each, 2 students are left without a group. When the class is divided into groups of 8 students each, 4 students are left without a group. What is the smallest number of students that can be added to or removed from the class so that the resulting number of students can be equally divided into groups of 12 students each?
If x is a positive integer and f(x) = x – x2 – x3 + x4 + x5 – x6 – x7 + x8 , then is f(x) divisible by 96?
(1) x – x2 – x3 is divisible by 32
(2) x has no prime factors other than 2
Set A = {20, P, 80}
Set B = {1, 3, 5, 23}
When the mean of the Set A is divided by the median of the Set B, the result is 15.25. What is the remainder when P4 is divided by the mean of the Set B?
The arithmetic mean (average) M of 4 terms is an integer. When M is divided by 16, the remainder is 10. If each of the terms is increased by 100%, what is the remainder when the new mean is divided by 16?
The students of a class are to be arranged in rows, starting from number 1, such that a row can have a maximum of x students, where x is a number to be determined that is greater than 1. If the minimum number of rows required to accommodate all the students is 10, what is the number of students in the class?
(1) If 3 students are shifted from row number 9 to row number 10, both the rows would have an equal number of students.
(2) Had there been 1 student less in the class, the minimum number of rows required would have been 9.
A function D(a, 10b + c) is defined as the remainder when the sum a0 + a1….a10b + c is divided by c, where a, b and c are single-digit positive integers.
What is the value of D(y, 10x + z) where x, y and z are single-digit positive integers such that x < y < z , x and z are perfect squares and the difference between the sum and the product of the prime factors of y is 1?
The arithmetic mean (average) of a set of 5 numbers is an integer A. Upon being divided by 180, A leaves a remainder of 30. If two of the numbers in the set are decreased by 120 and 180 units respectively, which of the following statements must be true about the new arithmetic mean B of the set?
I. The remainder that B leaves upon division by 180 is less than the remainder that A leaves upon division by 180
II. When B is divided by 60, the remainder is 30
III. The value of the decimal digits is greater in the number than in the number
If x is a positive integer, what is the remainder when 15x + x15 is divided by 4?
(1) The sum of the product of x and z and the sum of x and z is even, where z is a positive integer.
(2) y when divided by x is equal to 13.45, where y is a positive integer
If x is a prime number, which of the following statements must be true?
The expression 2a2 +2b2 can be written in the form of 18x + y, where a, b, x and y are non-negative integers and y < 18. Is |y+3| = 3?
(1) The difference between a and b can be expressed as an even multiple of 3.
(2) b when divided by 3 is an integer.
If k and m are positive integers, what is the remainder when k is divided by m +1?
(1) k-m when divided by m+1 leaves a remainder 1
(2) k/3 and k/2 when divided by m+1 leave a remainder equal to 4 and 3 respectively.
If n is a perfect square of a positive integer and is an integer, then
If x and y are positive integers such that x/y=5.4, which of the following could be the value of y?
If x is a positive integer such that x - 1 and x + 6 are not divisible by 3, which of the following must be divisible by 3?
If T is a prime number, what is the remainder when T is divided by 3?
(1) (T – 13)3 is divisible by 48
(2) 4T – 3 leaves a remainder 1 when divided by 18
Is the square of positive integer Z divisible by 9?
(1) The sum of the digits of Z3 is divisible by 9
(2) 3Z4 + 16 leaves a remainder of 7 when divided by 9
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