If a, b, k, and m are positive integers, is ak factor of bm?
(1) a is a factor of b.
(2) k = m
Is integer k divisible by 5 ?
(1) 24k is divisible by 20
(2) k + 1 is divisible by 6
If x and y are integers, is x + y divisible by 6 ?
(1) x is divisible by 6.
(2) y is divisible by 6.
Is the positive integer p a multiple of 24?
(1) p is a multiple of 2.
(2) p is a multiple of 12.
If k and n are integers, is n divisible by 7 ?
(1) n - 3= 2k
(2) 2k - 4 is divisible by 7.
If n is an integer, then n is divisible by how many positive integers?
(1) n is the product of two different prime numbers.
(2) n and 23 are each divisible by the same number of positive integers.
If B is a positive integer such that the difference between its only two distinct factors is odd, what is the value of B+1?
If x, n, and m are positive integers and x/ n = m, is x divisible by 3?
(1) m is divisible by 6.
(2) n is divisible by 15.
Is the integer n a multiple of 15?
(1) n is a multiple of 20
(2) n+6 is a multiple of 3.
What is the value of the positive integer n ?
(1) 7 is a factor of n
(2) n is a prime number
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