For every 100 automobile drivers who are involved in a collision due to brake failure, 1 will be seriously injured. A new safety feature exists that is nearly 100 percent successful in preventing collisions due to brake failure. Because the risk of serious injury from malfunction of the new safety feature is one out of 10,000, it is clearly safer for automobile drivers to have this new safety feature installed than not.
Which of the following would it be most helpful to know in order to evaluate the argument?
The ends of modern centuries have been greeted with both apocalyptic anxieties and utopian fantasies. It is not surprising that both reactions have consistently proven to be misplaced. After all, the precise time when a century happens to end cannot have any special significance, since the Gregorian calendar, though widely used, is only one among many that people have devised.
Which one of the following, if true, could be substituted for the reason cited above while still preserving the force of the argument?
After several years of declining product sales, the online nutrition site NutriShake revamped its marketing strategy. Before this change, NutriShake was focused on search engine optimization strategies to boost its rankings in search results on a big interet search engine. The new marketing strategy attempted to penetrate further into customers' referral networks by making use of Pay-per-Click ads on a business social network. After the marketing strategy shift, revenue from product sales increased.
In assessing whether the improvement in product sales can properly be attributed to the marketing strategy change, it would be most helpful to find out which of the following?.
Driving under the influence is a more severe problem among college students at rural and suburban universities than at urban universities. Social scientists wanted to determine how much of the problem is due to the distance students must drive to obtain alcohol. They looked at police records for incidents involving students at a number of universities, and compared those with the mean distances between student housing and bars and liquor stores. The longer the distances, the more likely students were to be arrested or involved in accidents.
Which of the following, if true, would it be most important to take into account in evaluating the result?
A translation invariably reflects the writing style of the translator. Sometimes when a long document needs to be translated quickly, several translators are put to work on the job, each assigned to translate part of the document. In these cases, the result is usually a translation marked by different and often incompatible writing styles. Certain computer programs for language translation that work without the intervention of human translation can finish the job faster than human translators and produce a stylistically uniform translation with an 80 percent accuracy rate. Therefore, when a long document needs to be translated quickly, it is better to use a computer translation program than human translators.
Which one of the following issues would be LEAST important to resolve in evaluating the argument?
Dissociative Behavioral Disorder (DBD) is caused by malfunctioning neurons that effectively ‘short-circuit’ specific areas of the human brain that control the individual’s awareness of socially-acceptable behaviors, leading to cognitive dysfunction. In a controlled experiment to see whether following a daily routine impacts DBD patients, the National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH) found that such individuals were less likely to suffer from episodes of cognitive dysfunction when they followed a stipulated daily routine.
Which of the following, if true, would it be most important to take into account in assessing the result?
Economist: Paying extra for fair-trade coffee—coffee labeled with the Fairtrade logo—is intended to help poor farmers, because they receive a higher price for the fair-trade coffee they grow. But this practice may hurt more farmers in developing nations than it helps. By raising average prices for coffee, it encourages more coffee to be produced than consumers want to buy. This lowers prices for non-fair-trade coffee and thus lowers profits for non-fair-trade coffee farmers.
To evaluate the strength of the economist's argument, it would be the most helpful to know which of the following?
Property values in South Orange, New Jersey, have nearly doubled in the last six years. South Orange is
located in Essex County, 17 miles from New York City.
Which of the following, if true, best explains the results described in the statement?
Rotelle: You are too old to address effectively the difficult issues facing the country, such as nuclear power, poverty, and pollution.
Sims: I don't want to make age an issue in this campaign. So I will not comment on your youth and inexperience.
Sims does which one of the following?
Matching marbling patterns of the past is an important part of what the staff at the Global publishing office does. Workers are often asked to recreate designs, so that routine publications such as the Jefferson Manual look consistent from year to year. However, there are also publishing jobs that offer opportunities for plenty of creativity.
The information in the passage most strongly supports the following?
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