The engineering division of an automobile company has its office in the city center. The workforce has expanded over the past few months and the amount of available office space is dwindling. To keep costs low, the company is considering a small office on the outskirts of the city and shifting some of its teams there, rather than expanding its current premises.
The answer to which of the following questions would be most important in determining whether implementing the suggestion is likely to keep the employees’ productivity the same?
After a plague of locusts attacked every crop in Baker County, Kevin Kevinson claimed that the severity of damage to his crops was due to the fish-based fertilizer he applied to his fields before planting.
Which of the following investigation is most likely to yield significant information that would help evaluate Kevin’s argument?
Health insurance insulates patients from the expense of medical care, giving doctors almost complete discretion in deciding the course of most medical treatments. Moreover, with doctors being paid for each procedure performed, they have an incentive to overtreat patients. It is thus clear that medical procedures administered by doctors are frequently prescribed only because these procedures lead to financial rewards.
The argument uses which one of the following questionable techniques?
Executive: We recently ran a set of advertisements in the print version of a travel magazine and on that magazine’s website. We were unable to get any direct information about consumer response to the print ads. However, we found that consumer response to the ads on the website was much more limited than is typical for website ads. We concluded that consumer response to the print ads was probably below par as well.
The executive’s reasoning does which one of the following?
Principle: If you sell an item that you know to be defective, telling the buyer that the item is sound, you thereby commit fraud.
Application: Wilton sold a used bicycle to Harris, knowing very little about its condition. Wilton told Harris that the bicycle was in good working condition, but Harris soon learned that the brakes were defective. Wilton was therefore guilty of fraud.
The application of the principle is most vulnerable to criticism on the grounds that
AL: If an alien species ever visited Earth, it would surely be because they were looking for other intelligent species with whom they could communicate. Since we have not been contacted by aliens, we may conclude that none have ever visited this planet.
AMY: Or, perhaps, they did not think human beings intelligent.
How is Amy’s response related to Al’s argument?
After the Springfield Sluggers posted three losing seasons in a row over the past three seasons, the team's owners re-signed the team's manager, Hal Higgins, to a new five-year contract. This decision surprised many baseball fans because, ordinarily, when a team fails repeatedly to post a winning record, the team's manager is fired.
Which of the following, if true, provides the best indication that the Springfield Sluggers' owners' decision was logically well supported?
An independent medical research team recently did a survey at a mountain retreat founded to help heavy smokers quit or cut down on their cigarette smoking. Eight percent of those smoking three packs a day or more were able to cut down to one pack a day after they began to take SmokeFree with its patented desire suppressant. Try SmokeFree to help you cut down significantly on your smoking.
Which of the following could be offered as valid criticism of the above advertisement?
I. Heavy smokers may be physically as well as psychologically addicted to tobacco
II. A medicine that is effective for heavy smokers may not be effective for the population of smokers generally
III. A survey conducted at a mountain retreat to aid smokers may yield different results than one would expect under other circumstances
In an attempt to improve economic and social welfare of the people, the Hortland government has recently announced a scheme under which the government would provide certain staple foods at 30% discount to the authorized dealers. As the price of these staple foods will reduce, the low income consumers would surely be benefitted by the scheme.
Which of the following would be most useful to establish in evaluating the argument?
The use of a wood harvesting technique known as clear cutting has had two especially insidious environmental impacts. The first is that it causes erosion, as hillsides that were covered with mature trees are abruptly exposed to the full impact of the elements. The second is that when new trees grow in the area they are often nearly all of the same age and species and therefore highly susceptible to disease and insect infestation.
From the passage above, it can be properly inferred that wood harvesting can continue with fewer negative impacts if which of the following techniques is employed?
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