Several studies conducted over a decade have shown that most of the people in the mountain states of the US listen to music primarily in an active manner: i.e. they listen specifically to listen rather than being in a space where music is playing in the background. On the other hand, the majority of people in the coastal states of the US primarily consume their music in a passive manner. As they are trying to attract as many active listeners as possible, record labels should conduct maximum marketing activities in the mountain states and not in the coastal ones.Which of the following indicates a flaw in the author’s reasoning?
Clearly, General Motors is spending significantly less on marketing its convertible car Volt than Toyota is spending on marketing its car Toyota Prius. Even though both cars were launched roughly at the same time, offer the same functionality and come at the same price range, Prius has sold more than four times as many cars until now as Volt has. This is despite the fact that Volt recently won the prestigious “Car of the Year” award.The above argument is most vulnerable to which of the following criticisms?
Alan: Industrialization helps in achieving a variety of social objectives such as employment, gender equality and poverty eradication. Thus, extensive industrialization must be promoted for the welfare of a nation.
Charlie: But you must also take into consideration that extensive industrial processes can have negative environmental impacts such as climate change, loss of natural resources and extinction of species. These threaten the economic and social welfare of a nation. Thus, a nation should promote the positive impacts of industrial development while limiting or eliminating its negative impacts.
Charlie objects to Alan’s argument by
Following a major mishap, a pilgrim spot in the country had been kept closed for the past five years. Recently, a directive by the government has allowed the spot to be reopened for pilgrimage. Since the directive was first published in national newspapers, a huge rush of people, mostly in their early twenties, has been witnessed across the booking offices that have exclusive rights to offer tours to the spot. Clearly, this observation goes against the claim that such spots are most likely to attract pilgrims over the age of 50.
Which of the following statements most demonstrates a flaw in the argument?
TV is the future because it remains king of all media. While handsets get hyped, the typical U.S. consumer watches more than 5 hours of TV a day, according to Nielsen, and even younger adults 18 to 24 years old—the supposed digital generation—spend 3 hours and 30 minutes on televisions daily compared to only 49 minutes on the Web and 20 minutes on mobile.
The above argument is most vulnerable to which of the following criticisms?
A film is more likely to have a complex storyline when it is directed by a director who has won an Academy Award. Regardless of the awards won by the director, a film with a complex storyline is more likely to do badly at the box-office than a film with a story-line that is not complex. Since other causes of poor box-office performance are not related to the awards won by the director, there must be more films with poor box-office collections with Academy Award-winning directors than with directors who have not won any Academy Awards.The argument above is most vulnerable to which one of the following criticisms?
A recent study shows that the overall sales of print per capita has declined at an average 5% per capita over the past decade proving that overall interest in reading has steadily declined.
Internet Geek: People get most of the information online and do not need to spend money on print.
Literary Scholar: Shakespeare still remains the most sold author and his books sell very well. However, today's authors produce few works of similar quality. We need more authors like Shakespeare to re-ignite print sales.
Describe the position taken by Internet Geek and Literary Scholar
Four neighboring countries produce a third of the world’s harvest of sugarcane. During the last decade, Vernia’s sugarcane output was greater than that of Brownland. However, because Sylvania had a greater output of sugarcane than Borodia’s, Vernia must have produced more sugarcane than Borodia.
If taken into consideration, any of the following makes the argument above logically correct EXCEPT:
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