Consider the following measuring structures:
1. Submerged broad-crested weir
2. Free broad-crested weir
3. Free sharp-crested weir
4. Free ogee spillway
The correct sequence of the increasing order of the discharge coefficient of these structures is
Match List-I with List-ll and,select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
A. Rehbock formula
B. Francis formula
C. A special trapezoidal weir
D. Linear proportional weir
1. Sutroweir
2. Rectangular suppressed weir
3. Rectangular side-contracted weir
4. Cippolietti weir
The head over a V notch at the end of a channel is 75 cm. If an error of 0.15 cm is possible in the measurement of head, the percentage error. in computing the discharge will be
A hemispherical tank of radius R has an orifice of cross - sectional area ‘a’ at its bottom and is full of liquid. The time required to empty the tank completely is
A triangular notch is a more accurate measuring device than a rectangular notch
The head over a 90° V notch weir is increased from 0.15 m to 0.30 m. The ratio of new discharge to the original discharge will be
The discharge through a Cipolletti weir is given by where symbols have their, usual meanings.
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