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Test: Forests and Vegetation - APPSC (Andhra Pradesh) MCQ

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15 Questions MCQ Test APPSC State Specific Preparation Course - Test: Forests and Vegetation

Test: Forests and Vegetation for APPSC (Andhra Pradesh) 2025 is part of APPSC State Specific Preparation Course preparation. The Test: Forests and Vegetation questions and answers have been prepared according to the APPSC (Andhra Pradesh) exam syllabus.The Test: Forests and Vegetation MCQs are made for APPSC (Andhra Pradesh) 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Test: Forests and Vegetation below.
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Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 1

What percentage of the total geographical area in the State of Kadapa is covered by its notified forest area?

Detailed Solution for Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 1
The notified forest area in Kadapa covers 5041.26 square kilometers, which is 17.20% of the total geographical area of the state. This indicates a significant portion of the land in Kadapa being dedicated to forests, showcasing the region's commitment to environmental preservation and biodiversity.
Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 2

Which district in the State has the highest ratio of notified forest area to geographical area?

Detailed Solution for Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 2
Vishakhapatnam District boasts the highest percentage of notified forest area to geographical area in the State, standing at 41.50%. This district showcases a strong commitment to preserving forest cover relative to its total land area, indicating a focus on environmental sustainability and conservation efforts.
Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 3

What percentage of the forest area in the State is overseen by the 4,419 VanaSamrakshanaSamities (VSSs) or Joint Forest Protection Committees (JFPCs) under Community Forest Management?

Detailed Solution for Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 3
The 4,419 VanaSamrakshanaSamities (VSSs) or Joint Forest Protection Committees (JFPCs) in the State oversee an area of 8426.11 square kilometers of notified forests, which amounts to 22.8% of the forest area. This signifies a significant portion of the forest land being managed by these community-based organizations, showcasing the importance of community involvement in forest conservation efforts.
Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 4
What is the total forest cover in the State according to the interpretation of IRS P6 LISS-III 2012 data?
Detailed Solution for Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 4
The total forest cover in the State, based on the interpretation of IRS P6 LISS-III 2012 data, is 23,399.95 square kilometers. This area includes Very Dense Forest, Moderately Dense Forest, and Open Forest, highlighting the diverse forest canopy cover present in the region. The substantial forest cover indicates the ecological richness and biodiversity supported by these forests.
Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 5
How much of the total notified forest area in the State is included in the Protected Area network?
Detailed Solution for Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 5
Out of the total notified forest area in the State, 8137.08 square kilometers are encompassed within the Protected Area network. This inclusion highlights the significance of preserving and safeguarding these specific areas to maintain ecological balance, protect wildlife habitats, and promote sustainable conservation practices.
Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 6
How many square kilometers of the forest cover in the State is classified as Scrub?
Detailed Solution for Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 6
The State includes 9,241.79 square kilometers of Scrub within its forest cover. Scrub areas typically consist of vegetation that is characterized by low-growing plants, shrubs, and bushes. While not as dense as other forest types, scrublands play a vital role in supporting wildlife habitats and contributing to overall ecosystem health.
Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 7
What type of forest cover has the largest area in the State based on the provided data?
Detailed Solution for Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 7
The forest type with the largest area in the State, according to the data, is Moderately Dense Forest, covering 11,810.20 square kilometers. Moderately Dense Forests typically have a significant tree canopy cover, providing habitat for a variety of flora and fauna. This forest type plays a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity and ecological balance within the region.
Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 8
Which type of forests in Andhra Pradesh are known to start shedding their leaves around December and appear sparse between February and May?
Detailed Solution for Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 8
Dry Savannah Forests in Andhra Pradesh are characterized by trees that are stunted, including species like Emblica officinalis, Phoenix humilis, Pterocarpus marsupium, and Terminalia chebula. These forests start shedding their leaves around December and appear sparse between February and May. This shedding and regrowth cycle is a unique feature of this forest type.
Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 9
In which type of forests in Andhra Pradesh do you primarily find species like Acacia chundra, Albizia samara, Balanites aegyptiaca, and Anisochilus carnosus?
Detailed Solution for Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 9
Tropical Evergreen Scrub Forests in Andhra Pradesh are where you primarily find species like Acacia chundra, Albizia samara, Balanites aegyptiaca, and Anisochilus carnosus. These forests are typically found in the drier parts of the state, particularly in districts like Anantapur.
Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 10
Which type of forests in Andhra Pradesh are located in coastal and plains areas with low rainfall and grow on poor soils with little organic matter and almost no topsoil?
Detailed Solution for Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 10
Dry Evergreen Forests in Andhra Pradesh are located in coastal and plains areas with low rainfall and grow on poor soils with little organic matter and almost no topsoil. These forests are adapted to survive in harsh environmental conditions.
Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 11
Covering an area of 3,173 square kilometers in Andhra Pradesh, which forests are situated near the estuaries of the Krishna and Godavari rivers?
Detailed Solution for Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 11
Littoral and Tidal Swamp Mangrove Forests in Andhra Pradesh cover an area of 3,173 square kilometers and are located in the coastal districts near the estuaries of the Krishna and Godavari rivers. These unique forests play a crucial role in coastal ecosystems and support diverse flora and fauna.
Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 12
What type of forest is characterized by a distinct dry season and shedding of leaves by trees to conserve water?
Detailed Solution for Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 12
Tropical Deciduous Forests are characterized by a distinct dry season, during which trees shed their leaves to conserve water. This shedding of leaves helps the trees survive the period of reduced water availability.
Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 13
Which type of forest is typically found in areas with high temperatures, receiving low to moderate rainfall throughout the year?
Detailed Solution for Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 13
Tropical Evergreen Scrub Forests are usually found in regions with high temperatures and receive low to moderate rainfall consistently throughout the year. These forests are characterized by their dense vegetation and biodiversity.
Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 14
Which type of forest is adapted to thrive in saline coastal habitats and is known for its unique root systems that help in oxygen intake?
Detailed Solution for Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 14
Littoral and Tidal Swamp Mangrove Forests are specialized coastal forests that thrive in saline habitats. They are known for their unique root systems, called pneumatophores, which help the trees absorb oxygen in waterlogged and saline conditions.
Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 15
In which type of forest are trees adapted to withstand strong winds and high levels of salinity in the soil due to their unique root structures?
Detailed Solution for Test: Forests and Vegetation - Question 15
Littoral and Tidal Swamp Mangrove Forests are characterized by trees that have adapted to withstand strong winds and high salinity levels in the soil. Their unique root structures help them cope with the challenging conditions of coastal environments.
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