If the ratio of integers a, b, and c is 1 : 3 : 5, what is the value of a + c?
(1) c – a = 12
(2) b – a = 6
If y rounded to the nearest thousandth is .00x, is x > 2?
(1) y = 1/(5z)
(2) z has exactly three unique factors and is a positive integer less than 9.
A sum of $385 was divided among Jack, Pollock and Gibbs. Who received the minimum amount?
(1) Jack received 2/9 of what Pollock and Gibbs together received.
(2) Pollock received 3/11 of what Jack and Gibbs together received
A certain number of people were polled to determine which of three desserts they enjoyed: cupcakes, apple pie, and ice cream sundaes. If everyone polled enjoyed at least one of the three desserts, what fraction of the people polled enjoyed exactly two desserts?
(1) 1/3 of the people polled enjoyed cupcakes, 1/2 enjoyed apple pie, and 3/4 enjoyed ice cream sundaes.
(2) 1/4 of the people polled enjoyed all three desserts.
John, Aditi, and Karim are all stamp collectors. What is the ratio of the number of stamps Aditi has to the number of stamps John has ?
(1) Aditi has half as many stamps as John has, and Karim has three times as many stamps as John has.
(2) Aditi has 1/6 the size collection of what Karim has.
If r, s are positive integers, is r/s a terminating decimal?
1) 1/r is a terminating decimal
2) 1/s is a terminating decimal
The ratio of R to S is 3 to 5, what is the value of the ratio (R + K)/(S + K)?
(1) R = 12
(2) K = 7
If the ratio of a to b to c to d is 1 to 2 to 3 to 4, what is the range of a, b, c and d?
1) The average (arithmetic mean) of b and d is 9
2) The sum of a and d is 15
If r is represented by the decimal 0.t5, what is the digit t?
(1) r < 1/3
(2) r < 1/10
The ratio of men to women employed by Company X in 1995 was 1 to 2, what is the ratio of men to women employed by Company X in 1996?
(1) Company X employed 20 more women in 1996 than in 1995.
(2) Company X employed 20 more men in 1996 than in 1995.
18 docs|139 tests