In a four cylinder, four stroke, diesel engine operating at 1500 the duration of fuel injection is 20°. Time in milliseconds during which fuel is injected would be
The spark plug gap is normally maintained at
The function of a distributor in an automobile is to
Air injection in l.C. engines refers to injection of
Solid injection in l.C. engines refers to injection of
The essential equipment for producing high voltage for sparking in petrol engines with battery is
An ignition coil in the spark engine performs the function of
Which of the following type of battery is commonly used in automobile applications?
The ignition coil in a automobile acts as a
A normal type of coil in conventional ignition fitted to a four cylinder engine has three cables connected The thick, highly insulated cable connects the coil with
Which of the following is not true pertaining to contact breaker ?
What material is used for the insulating body of a spark plug ?
In a cycle, the spark roughly lasts for
Which of the following is not the function of condenser connected across the contact breaker?
Which of the following is not true in context of dwell period ?
Which of the following is common in magneto ignition system and coil ignition system ?
The magneto in an automobile is basically a/an
For a spark plug designated M12 x 2, the last digit 2 stands for
White deposits on the face of spark plug suggest that
Consider the following statement:
1. For a petrol engine, the mean effective pressure increases as the compression ratio increases.
2. In a petrol engine, the high voltage for spark is of order of 1000 V.
3. The material for center electrode in a spark plug is carbon.
Q. Which of the statement given above is/are correct?
Vacuum advance spark timing mechanism shifts the ignition point under
Consider following factors pertaining to optimum firing order of an engine:
1. Engine vibrations
2. Exhaust gas flow regulation
3. Engine cooling
4. Development of back pressure
Q. Which of these factors must be considered?
Advantage of air injection system is
Fuel injection pressure in solid injection system is around
Main advantage of pintaux nozzle is
The most accurate gasoline injection system is
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