The function f(x) = - 2x3 - 9x2 - 12x + 1 is an increasing function in the interval
If f(x) is real-valued function defined on [0, ∞] such that f(0) = 0 and then the function h(x)
f(x) = x6 - x - 1, x ∈ [1, 2], consider the following statements
(i) f is increasing on [1, 2]
(ii) f has root in [1, 2]
(iii) f is decreasing in [1, 2]
(iv) f has no root in [1 ,2]
Q. which of the above is/are correct?
The value of ‘C’ of Lagrange’s mean value theorem for f( x ) = x (x - 1) in [1 ,2] is given by
Then, the directional derivative at c = (0, 0) in the direction u = (a1, a2) is
The derivative of the function f(x) = x2m is
Let f(x) = | sin πx |, then
If f'(a) exists, then is equal to
A function is said to be ______________ if and only if f(a) = f(b) implies that a = b for all a and b in the domain of f.
The continuous function f : R -->R defined by f(x) = (x2 + 1)2011 is
f(x, y) = 2x2 - xy + 2y2 Then at (1, 2)
If any four numbers are selected and they are multiplied, then the probability that the last digit will be 1, 3, 5 or 7 is
f(x,y) = x3 + y3- 63 (x + y) + 12xy,
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