If the order of elements a, a-1 ∈ G are m and n respectively, then
If G is a finite group, then for every a ∈ G, the order o f a is
In the additive group G of integers, the order of inverse element a-1, a ∈ G is
Let R be the ring of all 2 × 2 matrices with integer entries. Which of the following subsets of R is an integral domain?
If G is a group, for a ∈ G, N (a) is the normalizer of a, then x ∈ N(a)
If H ⊂ K are two subgroups of G and if [G : H] = 8 and [G : K] = 4, then [K : H] is
If G is a group and H is a subgroup of index 2 in G then choose the correct statement.
which of the following is a semi group having such that only identity element has its inverse
Let (Z +) denote the groups of all integers under addition, then the number of all automorphism of (Z, +) is
If N1 and N2 are the normal subgroups of G, then G/N1 = G/N2 if and only if
Let G be a finite group of order 200, then the number of subgroup of G of order 25 is
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