Which of the following is not included in natural selection?
Which of the following are properties of stabilizing selection?
How many peaks are there in the disruptive selection?
How does shell pattern in limpets show disruptive selection?
Which of the following does not belong to the Hardy Weinberg principle?
It is known that the total sum of all the frequencies of the allele is _____
The notation p and q of the Hardy Weinberg equation represent ________ of a diploid organism.
Which of the following are the factors that affect the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? Select the correct number of factors
Factors are : Gene migration (gene flow), Genetic drift, Mutation, Genetic recombination, Natural selection, Population size.
Which of the following does not belong to factors affecting the Hardy Weinberg principle?
The process when some species migrate from the original to a new place, which in turn changes the allele frequency is called ______
Gene drift occurs when gene migration occurs ______
Variation in gene frequencies within populations can occur by chance rather than by natural selection. This is referred to as:
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