A glass tube of small diameter (d) is dipped in fluid. The height of rise or fall in the tube given by (where w = Specific weight of liquid, α = Angle of contact of the liquid surface, and σ = Surface tension)
An internal mouthpiece is said to be running free if the length of the mouthpiece is __________ the diameter of the orifice.
The volume of a fluid __________ as the pressure increases.
The pressure of the liquid flowing through the divergent portion of a venturimeter
The vacuum pressure can be measured with the help of a piezometer tube.
A jet of water discharging from a 40 mm diameter orifice has a diameter of 32 mm at its vena contracta. The coefficient of contraction is
According to Bazin's formula, the discharge over a rectangular weir is mL2g x H3/2 where m is equal to
A vertical wall is subjected to a pressure due to one kind of liquid, on one of its sides. Which of the following statement is correct?
The celerity (velocity) of a pressure wave in a fluid is given by (where K = Bulk modulus, and ρ = Density of the fluid)
The pressure intensity in kN/m2 (or kPa) at any point in a liquid is (where w = Specific weight of liquid, and h = Depth of liquid from the surface)
The hydraulic gradient line is always parallel to the centre line of the pipe.
A closed tank is completely filled with an oil. If it is made to move with a horizontal acceleration, then the pressure at the back end will be more than that at the front end.
The mass of 2.5 m3 of a certain liquid is 2 tonnes. Its mass density is
When a vertical wall is subjected to pressures due to liquid on both sides, the resultant pressure is the __________ of the two pressures.
The dynamic viscosity of the liquid __________ with rise in temperature.
The increase in pressure at the outer edge of a drum of radius (r) completely filled up with liquid of density (ρ) and rotating at (ω) rad/s is
When the Mach number is between __________ the flow is called super-sonic flow.
The property of a liquid which controls its rate of flow is called viscosity.
The kinematic viscosity of an oil (in stokes) whose specific gravity is 0.95 and viscosity 0.011 poise, is
The factional resistance of a pipe varies approximately with __________ of the liquid.
If the coefficient of discharge is 0.6, then the discharge over a right angled notch is
According to Bazin, the coefficient of discharge varies with the height of water over the sill of a weir.
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