Out of the following Indian States, which State does not have any maritime boundary?
What is the stage in the population cycle in which India is classified on the basis of its demographic characteristics?
In India, population density is defined as the number of persons –
Jawahar Tunnel, the largest in India is located in the State of–
Where in India can you normally spot the Siberian crane in winter?
Which of the following is the area of lowest pressure over Indian subcontinent during the hot dry weather season?
Where is the Headquarters of the Botanical Survey of India located?
What should be the proportion of forest cover for India to maintain her ecological balance?
Which is the first national park established in India?
The Sundarbans or the 'Mangrove' forests are found in –
Heavy rainfall during the months of October and November is received by –
Shivpuri National Park of Madhya Pradesh is important for –
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