The self weight of roof truss in (N/m2) may be obtained by
In a truss design, snow load need not be considered when roof is steeper than
In industrial buildings in northern hemisphere the advantage of a north-light roof is that it
Apart from gravity loads, which of the following loads are also considered in the design of a gantry girder located within an industrial building?
1. wind loads
2. longitudinal loads
3. lateral loads
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
The maximum permissible span of asbestos cement sheets is
To minimize the total cost of a roof truss, the ratio of the cost of truss to the cost of purlins shall be
The internal pressure coefficient on walls for buildings with large permeability is taken as
Which of the following statements is/are true?
1. If the spacing of trusses is large, the cost of these trusses per unit area decreases but the cost of purlin increases,
2. For economic spacing of roof trusses, the cost of trusses should be equal to twice the cost of purlins plus the cost of roof covering.
3. The spacing of roof trusses can be kept 1/4 of the span for 15 m span and 1/5 of the span for 15 to 30 m of span.
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