Which of the following statements is correct with reference to a test tube baby?
Consider the following statements and select the option stating which ones are true (T) and which ones are false (F).
(i) Abortions could happen spontaneously too.
(ii) Infertility is the inability to produce viable offspring due to defects in the female partner only.
(iii) Complete lactation could help in contraception.
(iv) Creating awareness can help create a reproductively healthy society.
Read the following statements:
(i) Birth control pills are likely to cause cardiovascular problems
(ii) A women who substitutes or takes the place of the real mother to nurse the embryo is called surrogate mother
(iii) Numerous children have been produced by in vitro fertilisation but with some abnormalities
(iv) Women plays a key role in the continuity of the family and human species
(v) Foetal sex determinatio test should bot be banned
Which of the following pair consists of incorrect statements?
Which of the following statements are correct?
(i) MTP was legalized in 1971.
(ii) Inability to conceive or produce children even after 2 years of unprotected sexual cohabitation is called infertility.
(iii) Surgical method of contraception prevents gamete formation.
(iv) MTPs are relatively safe up to 12 weeks of pregnancy.
The test-tube baby programme employes which one of the following techniqes?
Which of these can be used to cure infertility in couples where male partner has very low sperm count?
Which two of the following statements are incorrect regarding in vitro fertilization?
(i) In this method, ova from the wife/donor female and sperms from the husband/donor male are induced to form zygote in the uterus.
(ii) If the embryo is having 2 blastomeres, it is transferred into the uterus.
(iii) If the embryo is with more than 8 blastomeres, it is transferred into the uterus.
(iv) The baby thus produced is called test tube baby.
Match the ARTs with their description
I. Collected gametes are made to form the zygote in the laboratory.
II. Zygote or early embryo with up to 8 blastomeres is transferred into the oviduct.
III. Zygote with more than 8 blastomeres is transferred into the uterus.
IV. Fusion of gametes within the female.
V. Transfer of ovum from a donor to the oviduct of the recipient.
VI. Sperm is injected into the ovum in-vitro.
H. In-vivo fertilization
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