Which category of V-Belts has maximum power transmission capability
A wire rope is designated as 6 × 7. The number 6 represents.
When a gear and pinion are made of same material the design is based on.
It t = Thickness of teeth, h = height of teeth m = module of gear, lewis form factor is given by
The velocity factor for a gear having pitch line velocity of 15 m/s2 is given as.
The friction radius for designing a clutch with uniform pressure theory is given as
For a multiplate clutch with number of driving flange = 3 and no. of driven flange = 2 no. of contact surface is.
For an engine which cannot start when loaded the type of clutch that should be used is
Generally in design of shaft and key which of the following is made weak.
Which of the following is an example of flexible coupling
1. oldham's coupling
2. Muff coupling
3. Hooke's joint
4. flange coupling
Which of the following theory is most suitable for brittle materials
For combines stress condition with bending moment = M and Twisting moment = T equivalent bending moment is given as.
If µ - heat cone angle f = Friction angle then in a cone clutch grabbing occurs when
At low speed which of the following has lowest frictional resistance.
The angle of inclination between two teeths in a acme thread is
Centrifugal tension should be considered in a belt drive when pitch line velocity is
The type of joint used between piston rod and cross head is
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