A constant current I is maintained in a solenoid. Which of the following quantities will not increase if an iron rod is inserted in the solenoid along its axis?
Whenever the magnetic flux () linked with a coil changes the emf is induced in the circuit, This emf lasts
A magnet is moved towards the coil (a) quickly and (b) slowly, and then the work done is
A cylindrical bar magnet is held along the axis of a circular conducting loop. Which one of the following movements of the bar magnet will not induce a current in the loop?
The magnetic flux () linked with a coil is related to the number (N) of turns of the coil as
The total number of magnetic lines of force crossing a surface normally is termed as
In the given circuit the maximum deflection in the galvanometer occurs when
A coil of area 10 cm² of 20 turns is placed in uniform magnetic field of 104 gauss. The normal to the plane of the coil makes an angle of 60° with the magnetic field. The flux in maxwell through the coil is
Find the flux contained by the material when the flux density is 11.7 Tesla and the area is 2 units.
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