Who returned to his homeland in January 1915?
What profession did Gandhi go to South Africa as?
What was the name of the non-violent protest that Gandhi first forged?
In what year did Gandhi leave India?
Who was Gandhi’s political mentor?
How long did Gandhiji travel around British India?
Where was Gandhiji involved in two campaigns in 1918?
When did the colonial rulers deliver an issue into Gandhiji’s lap?
If noncooperation were effectively carried out, India would win what within a year?
How many strikes were there in 1921?
Who did not pay taxes in Awadh?
Who was Mahatma Gandhi’s biographer?
When did Gandhiji transform Indian nationalism?
What did many of the peasants call Gandhiji?
Who traced Mahatma Gandhi’s image among the peasants of eastern Uttar Pradesh?
What type of cloth did he believe Indians should wear instead of mill-made cloth imported from overseas?
Where did the congress hold its annual session in 1929?
Who was elected president in 1929?
When was the first round table conference held in London?
What was the name of the agreement between Gandhiji and the viceroy?
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