Right to Freedom is related to which article ?
India is a republic because _________________.
What happens if there is a difference of opinion between Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha over an ordinary bill?
The Constitution of India was adopted by the Constituent Assembly on ______________.
'Fundamental Duties are provided ___________.
Fundamental Rights are given to citizens so that they _____.
Constitutional amendments are the ___________________.
One of the following three features were committed by the leaders of the Congress Party in 1928 and in 1931 to keep as basic principles in the independent Constitution of India
a. a socialist -secular system
b. universal adult franchise
c. freedom and equality
d. protection of the rights of minorities.
Word "Secular" was added in Indian Constitution by Constitutional amendment ___________.
The aspirations of Indian people are visible in the _______________.
Assertion: The Indian Constitution clearly states the Fundamental Duties of citizens.
Reason: The Fundamental Rights are also granted by the Indian Constitution to the citizens of India.
Which one of the following pair of constitutions use the expression "we the people" in the preamble of their constitutions ______________.
Framers of the Indian Constitution were inspired by the practice of parliamentary democracy in _____.
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