Which one of the following statements is correct? The portal method of structural analysis is generally suitable for:
Due to settlement of support at A of propped cantilever shown in the figure given below, what is the vertical reaction at B?
For the beam shown below, what are the distribution factors at joint B?
A fixed beam AB with a central hinge C is built of two components. AC is rigid and CB has a moment of inertia I. When support A yields and rotates through θ, what-is the moment at B?
For a symmetrical continuous beam as shown in the figure given below, which one of the following is correct in respect of distribution factors at B?
What is the horizontal sway of the point A of the portal frame shown in the figure given below?
What is the fixed end moment for the beam shown in the figure given below?
Unequal settlements in the supports of a statically determinate structure develop
A fixed beam of span L is carrying a point load P at its mid-span. If the moment of inertia of the middle half length is two times that of the remaining length, then the fixed end moments will be
A rigid-jointed plane frame as shown below
If a point load acting at the mid-span of a fixed beam of uniform section produces fixed end moments of 60 kN-m, then the same load spread uniformly over the entire span will produce fixed end moments equal to
Consider the following statements:
Hardy Cross method of moment distribution can be applied to analyze
1. Continuous beams including non-prismatic structures
2. Continuous beams with prismatic elements
3. Structures with intermediate hinges
4. Rigid frames
Which of these statements are correct?
A plane frame is loaded as shown in figure. The rotations are indicated as θB and θC and sway is indicated by the symbol Δ. For the given frame which of the following statements is correct?
When a load is applied to a structure with rigid joints
For the portal frame shown in figure below the final end moments are
MAB = 15 kNm
MBA = 10 kNm
MCD = 20 kNm
The magnitude of end moment at D(MDC) will be
Bending moment diagram for the structure shown below is
The shear equation for the portal frame as shown below is
Consider the following methods:
1. Slope deflection method
2. Three moment method
3. Column analogy method
4. Kani’s method
Which of the above method(s) is/are the force method of structural analysis
A two span continuous beam ABC is simply supported at A and C and is continuous over support B. Span AB = 6 m, BC = 6m. The beam carries a UDL of 2 t/m over both the spans. EI is constant for the entire beam. The fixed end moment at B in span BA or BC would be
The rotation at joint B of portal frame shown in figure for members BA and BC will be