Shakespeare wrote several ‘problem plays’, psychological dramas treading the line between tragedy and comedy, and embodied the socio-political norms of his time.
In Russia, resulting from the explosion of the Chelyabinsk meteor, the second largest airburst recorded on Earth, hundreds of people sought medical attention for injuries caused by glass cuts from imploding windows.
In September 1985, more than seven decades after the Titanic was wrecked in the North Atlantic Ocean during its maiden voyage, a Franco-American expedition, one of the numerous expeditions launched to find the ship, found it lying at the bottom of the sea and split in two parts, disproving the theory that the ship would be found intact.
After the Second World War, the city of Cologne started the repair of the historical Cathedral, a project, taking almost a decade to finish; the Bild, the largest daily, described as the most expensive repair undertaken ever.
The Ashoka Pillars inscribed with edicts by the Mauryan emperor Ashoka, relics of the remorse he had felt after observing the destruction of Kalinga during one of his quests, a series of columns spread out in the north Indian region.
Formalized three hundred years after Mughal emperor Akbar first introduced the concept of land ownership in the last decade, the law abolishing landownership by the aristocracy had led to the real estate boom and correspondingly increased the wealth of an average Indian by twenty percent, giving the overall economy a shot in the arm.
Allowing workers to pick up and maneuver objects weighing 65 pounds with ease and thus in increasing demand, the successful debut of robotic exoskeletons took place last summer, three years after researchers started testing the prototypes.
Robert H. Goddard, recognized as one of the founding fathers of rocketry, holds the patents for the discovery of liquid-fueled and multi-stage rockets, but rarely acknowledged until the dawn of the space
This summer, emerging from the ground-breaking technological advancements and the need for protecting the environment through cleaner automobiles, several auto manufacturers have introduced vehicles equipped with zero-emissions electric motors, high-speed internet connections that allow passengers to make video conference calls, and 3D picture navigation systems.
Russia’s uranium disarmament deal with the US made Russia turn the uranium from its decommissioned warheads into nuclear fuel and sell this fuel to the commercial nuclear plants of the US, ending in early 2014 with the last shipment arriving at the port of Baltimore.
A new study suggests that different species of mice have different burrow designs: a lab-raised mouse too can build a species-specific burrow due to its genes, carrying various DNA combinations of burrow creation in genome.
The National Geographic Society’s electronic database, available free of cost to researchers affiliated with government think-tanks or university study centers, originally stored in microfiche sheets that were manually accessed through the Society’s free access facilities, but is now accessible through remote data access services.
Resulting from the passage of the Obama health reform, people with Medicare will no longer have to pay co-insurance, co-payments, or deductibles for one of the most debatable legislations in the history of health care and preventive services given a grade A or B by the United States Preventive Services Task Force.
The new system implemented to evaluate the effectiveness of tenure-track faculty returned ambiguous results, which suggests that its process of data collection may be defective, its methodologies require revision.
The fastest processor from Intel, Itanium's multi-core architecture handles data compression on a PC as efficiently as the Porsche's perfectly balanced engine handles curves on the road.
When their eggs rejected by the host birds, certain cuckoos and cowbirds, in the name of parenting, resorting to bullying and destruction of host parents’ eggs, forcing many birds to adopt the unwelcome alien eggs in their nest.
Literature contains evidence of many middle-class English writers of the Victorian period, which was twice as long as the Romantic period, aspiring to join the ranks of the nobles, giving rise to the general perception that they were hypocritical and had a great yearning for social advancement evident in such works as Great Expectations and Jane Eyre.
Sociologists who focus on social recognition report that many people from minority groups join the workforce with enthusiasm and hope to participate in the capitalist culture for potential success for everyone, only to find themselves alienated from their colleagues and subjected to prejudice.
Surrounded by smaller spiral-shaped ‘satellite’ galaxies such as the Triangulum galaxy, astronomers who observe it speculate that the Andromeda galaxy will collide with the Milky Way in a few billion years.
Recently, some astronomers spotted a gap in the extended outer atmosphere of the Sun, a discovery suggesting that a gigantic number of particles escaped into space as geomagnetic storms that at times cause damage to the Earth’s satellites and power grids.
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