How many numbers divisible by 5 and lying between 3000 and 5000 can be formed from the digit 0,3,4,5, and 7?
Total number of natural numbers less than 4000 formed with digits 0,1,2,3,4,5 and 8 is :
Everybody in a room shakes hands with everybody else. The total number of handshakes is 66. The total number of person in the room is
The sum of the digits in the digits unit place of all the numbers formed with the help of 3,4,5,6 taken all at a time is :
If nCn-1 = 36; nCr = 84 and nCr+1 = 126, then r is equal to:
If nPr= nPr+1 and nCr= nCr-1 then (n,r) are
The total number of arrangement that can be made out of the letter of the word RAMANEA is:
If n-1c3 / n-1c4 > nc3, then the least value of n is:
If the letter of the word BROTHER are written in all possible order and these word are written out as in a dictionary, then the rank of the word BROTHER is:
The rank of the word ‘RAMANEA’ in the dictionary made by the letters of this word is:
The sum of the numbers formed by the digit 1,3,5 and 7 taking all at a time is:
Let A be a set containing 10 distinct elements, Then the total number of distinct function from A to A is. :
There are 10 lamps in a hall. Each one of them can be switched on independently. The number of ways in which the hall can be illuminated is :
Out of 16 players of cricket team, 4 are bowlers and 2 are wicket keepers. A team of 11 players is to be chosen so as to contain at least 3 bowlers and at least one wicket keeper. The number of ways in which the team be selected is :
Total number of words formed by 2 vowels and 3 consonants taken from 4 vowels and 5 consonants is equal to :
The total number of 9 digits number which have all different digits is :
The number of different number of six digits each (without repetition of digit) can be formed from the digits 4,5,6.7,8,9 such that they are not divisible by 5 is :
A polygon has 54 diagonals, then the number of its sides arc :
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