Match the following periods with their characteristics:
Select the correct match:
Which of the following statements about the Proto-Historic Era in Punjab are correct?
1. This era includes the Chalcolithic and Bronze Ages.
2. Copper was the first metal used by humans during this era.
3. Settlements from this era have been found near Chandigarh.
4. Proto-historic people relied solely on stone tools.
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Match the following archaeological sites with their periods:
Select the correct match:
Which of the following statements about Neolithic cultural practices are correct?
1. People used two-wheeled ox-carts during this period.
2. Ornaments were made of bronze and silver.
3. Cloth was produced using plant fibers and animal hair.
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Which of the following statements about the Palaeolithic Age in Punjab are correct?
1. It spans a significant part of the Ice Age.
2. Early humans primarily relied on metal tools.
3. Early Stone Age sites were located in the Soan River valley, Daulatpur, Hoshiarpur, and Dholbaha.
4. People were hunters and gatherers during this period.
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Which of the following statements about the Neolithic Age in Punjab are correct?
1. Human settlements in the Neolithic Age began around 4000 BCE.
2. Agriculture and pastoralism were the primary activities of these communities.
3. People constructed houses using materials like clay and straw.
4. The Bahawalpur district was a key site during this age.
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Which of the following statements about the Mesolithic Age in Punjab are correct?
1. This age marked the transition from hunting to agriculture.
2. People used implements made of bone and flint.
3. No sites from this age have been discovered in Punjab.
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