The treatments which are generally given to treat raw water supplies, follow the sequence
The settling velocity of inorganic particles of less than 0.1 mm dia., varies with the dia (d), in proportion to:
The settling velocity of inorganic particles, larger than 0.1 mm dia, varies with the dia (d), in proportion to
Sedimentation can remove inorganic particles, having specific gravity more than say:
Particles intended to be removed in a continuous flow water sedimentation tank, should have settling velocity:
Detention time for a sedimentation tank (continuous flow type), is given for a tank, passing a discharge = Q, and having length = L, width = B, and depth = H, as:
The detention time for a water sedimentation tank may vary between
For a given discharge, the efficiency of a sedimentation tank can be increased by
The amount of coagulant needed in water treatment, increases with the
Coagulants, used in water treatment, function better when the raw water is:
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