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Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Mathematics MCQ

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20 Questions MCQ Test Topic-wise Tests & Solved Examples for Mathematics - Test: Real Analysis- 4

Test: Real Analysis- 4 for Mathematics 2025 is part of Topic-wise Tests & Solved Examples for Mathematics preparation. The Test: Real Analysis- 4 questions and answers have been prepared according to the Mathematics exam syllabus.The Test: Real Analysis- 4 MCQs are made for Mathematics 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Test: Real Analysis- 4 below.
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Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 1

The set E is nowhere dense, if

Detailed Solution for Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 1

Nowhere dense is a strengthening of the condition "not dense" (every nowhere dense set is not dense, but the converse is false). Another definition of nowhere dense that might be helpful in gaining an intuition is that a set S⊂X is nowhere dense set in X if and only if it is not dense in any non-empty open subset of X (with the subset topology).

For example, Z is nowhere dense in RR because it is its own closure, and it does not contain any open intervals (i.e. there is no (a,b) s.t. (a,b)⊂Z¯=Z An example of a set which is not dense, but which fails to be nowhere dense would be {x∈Q|0<x<1}. Its closure is [0,1], which contains the open interval (0,1). Using the alternate definition, you can note that the set is dense in (0,1)⊂R.

An example of a set which is not closed but is still nowhere dense is {1n|n∈N}. It has one limit point which is not in the set (namely 00), but its closure is still nowhere dense because no open intervals fit within {1n|n∈N}∪{0}.

Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 2

If an element a is maximal element of set S, then

Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 3

Let {an}, {bn} and {cn} be sequences of real numbers such that bn = a2n and cn = a2n+1. Then {an} is convergent 

Detailed Solution for Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 3

If  {an} is convergent, Then {bn} and {cn} both are convergent. 
because {bn} and {cn} are sub sequence of {an}

Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 4

If S is a set of real numbers which is bounded above, then Sup S is

Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 5

If P(A) denotes the power set of A and A is the void set, then what is number of elements in P{P{P{P(A)}}} ?

Detailed Solution for Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 5

The number of elements in power set of A is 1.
[Since, P(A) = 2° = 1]
So, P{P(A} = 21 = 2
or P{P{P{(A)}} - 2- 4
or P{P{P{P(A)}}} = 2= 16

Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 6

The relation R defined on the set A = { 1 , 2 , 3,4, 5} by R = {(x, y) : | x2 - y| < 16} is given by

Detailed Solution for Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 6

Here, R = { ( x , y ) : | x2 - y2 | < 16}
and given A = {1,2, 3,4, 5}
So, R = {(1,2),(1,3)(1,4); (2,1)(2,2) (2,3)( 2 ,4); (3,1)(3 ,2 )(3 ,3) (3,4); (4,1), (4,2)(4,3); (4,4)(4,5) (5,4) (5,5)}

Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 7

Let R be an equivalence relation on a finite set A having n elements. Then, the number of ordered pairs in R is

Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 8

The set of negative integers have the least upper bound

Detailed Solution for Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 8

Suppose that F is an ordered field and S is a nonempty subset of F. An upper bound for S is any element M of F so that x ≤ M for all x ∈ S. A least upper bound for S is any element L of F which is an upper bound for S and which also has the property that every a < L is not an upper bound for S: L is the smallest upper bound for S. 5 For example, if S is the set of integers which are less than π, then S is nonempty because 1 ∈ S, and S has an upper bound because π > x for all x ∈ S. S also has a least upper bound, namely 3. If T is the set of numbers T = { −1,− 1/2 ,− 1/3 ,− 1/4 ,− 1/5 ,...} , then T is visibly nonempty, and also T has an upper bound: any positive number is an upper bound, since all of the elements of T are negative. The least upper bound for T is 0. The set Z of all integers has no upper bound and has no least upper bound.

Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 9

If S is a set of real numbers which is bounded below, then inf S is

Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 10

Let S = [0,1), the least upper bound for S is

Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 11

The closed interval S = [0, 1] is

Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 12

The half interval [0, l) have

Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 13

The set of integer is

Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 14

Composite number n is

Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 15

If the sequence is increasing and bounded above by a supremum, then it ____

Detailed Solution for Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 15

Informally, the theorems state that if a sequence is increasing and bounded above by a supremum, then the sequence will converge to the supremum; in the same way, if a sequence is decreasing and is bounded below by an infimum, it will converge to the infimum.

Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 16

Let a relation R be defined by R = {(4, 5); (1, 4); (4, 6); (7, 6); (3, 7)}, then R-1 o R is

Detailed Solution for Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 16

We have R−1 = {(5,4), ( 4, 1), (6, 4), (6, 7), (7, 3)}
We now obtain the elements of R−1o R. We first pick the element of R and then R−1
Since (4, 5) ∈ R and (5, 4) ∈R−1 We have (4, 4) ∈ R−1o R
R−1o R = { (1, 1), (4, 4), (4, 7), (7, 4), (7, 7), (3, 3)}

Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 17

Every infinite set has a

Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 18

A relation R is define dover the set of non-negative integers as xRy => x2 + y2 = 36. What is R?

Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 19

Let A and B be two non-empty subsets of set X such that A is not a subset of B, then which of the following is always true? 

Detailed Solution for Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 19

Since A is not a subset of B, complement of B contains A. Hence A and complement of B are not disjoint.

Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 20

If R is a set of real numbers x, y ε R, then

Detailed Solution for Test: Real Analysis- 4 - Question 20

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